Worldwide Earthquake lists + in-depth earthquake articles

Country or state (USA) real time earthquake lists. Your I FELT IT experience is highly appreciated for a good understanding of what happened.


Special lists : Strait of Gibraltar


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Continental United States

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I have felt it – Ik heb het gevoeld – Το έκανα αισθάνεται – Lo Senti – 我的确感到了 – 私はそれを感じていました- Ich habe es gefühlt – Bunu hissediyorum yaptı – لم أشعر أنه

[No results found for location : -80,80,-179,179]



I felt the shaking *
Country where you felt the earthquake *
City/Village where you felt the earthquake *
Street or suburb (area) where you felt the earthquake
Latitude (area) where you felt the earthquake
Longitude (area) where you felt the earthquake
Shaking Strength *
MMI II (Very weak shaking) ?
People :
Felt by persons at rest, on upper floors or favorably placed.
MMI III (Weak shaking) ?
People :
Felt indoors; hanging objects may swing, vibration similar to passing of light trucks, duration may be estimated, may not be recognized as an earthquake.
MMI IV (Light shaking) ?
People :
Generally noticed indoors but not outside. Light sleepers may be awakened. Vibration may be likened to the passing of heavy traffic, or to the jolt of a heavy object falling or striking the building.
Fittings :
Doors and windows rattle. Glassware and crockery rattle. Liquids in open vessels may be slightly disturbed. Standing motorcars may rock.
Structures :
Walls and frames of buildings, and partitions and suspended ceilings in commercial buildings, may be heard to creak.
MMI V (Moderate shaking) ?
People :
Generally felt outside, and by almost everyone indoors. Most sleepers awakened. A few people alarmed.
Fittings :
Small unstable objects are displaced or upset. Some glassware and crockery may be broken. Hanging pictures knock against the wall. Open doors may swing. Cupboard doors secured by magnetic catches may open. Pendulum clocks stop, start, or change rate.
Structures :
Some large display windows cracked. A few earthenware toilet fixtures cracked.
MMI VI (Strong shaking) ?
People Felt by all. People and animals alarmed. Many run outside. Difficulty experienced in walking steadily.
Fittings :
Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall from walls. Some furniture moved on smooth floors, some unsecured free-standing fireplaces moved. Glassware and crockery broken. Very unstable furniture overturned. Small church and school bells ring. Appliances move on bench or table tops. Filing cabinets or "easy glide" drawers may open (or shut).
Structures :
Slight damage to buildings with low standard. Some stucco or cement plaster falls. Large display windows broken. Damage to a few weak domestic chimneys, some may fall.
Environment :
Trees and bushes shake, or are heard to rustle. Loose material may be dislodged from sloping ground, e.g. existing slides, talus slopes, shingle slides.
MMI VII (Very strong shaking) ?
General alarm. Difficulty experienced in standing. Noticed by motorcar drivers who may stop.
Fittings :
Large bells ring. Furniture moves on smooth floors, may move on carpeted floors. Substantial damage to fragile contents of buildings.
Structures :
Unreinforced stone and brick walls cracked. Low standard buildings cracked with some minor masonry falls. A few instances of damage to buildings of ordinary workmanship. Unbraced parapets, unbraced brick gables, and architectural ornaments fall. Roofing tiles, especially ridge tiles may be dislodged. Many unreinforced domestic chimneys damaged, often falling from roof-line. Water tanks Type I burst. A few instances of damage to brick veneers and plaster or cement-based linings. Unrestrained water cylinders (hot-water cylinders) may move and leak. Some common windows cracked. Suspended ceilings damaged.
Environment :
Water made turbid by stirred up mud. Small slides such as falls of sand and gravel banks, and small rock-falls from steep slopes and cuttings. Instances of settlement of unconsolidated or wet, or weak soils. Some fine cracks appear in sloping ground. A few instances of liquefaction (i.e. small water and sand ejections).
MMI VIII (Severe shaking) ?
People Alarm may approach panic. Steering of motorcars greatly affected. Structures : Low standard buildings heavily damaged, some collapse. ordinary workmanship buildings damaged, some with partial collapse. Reinforced masonry or concrete buildings damaged in some cases. A few instances of damage to buildings and bridges designed and built to resist earthquakes. Monuments and pre-1976 elevated tanks and factory stacks twisted or brought down. Some pre-1965 infill masonry panels damaged. A few post-1980 brick veneers damaged. Decayed timber piles of houses damaged. Houses not secured to foundations may move. Most unreinforced domestic chimneys damaged, some below roof-line, many brought down. Environment : Cracks appear on steep slopes and in wet ground. Small to moderate slides in roadside cuttings and unsupported excavations. Small water and sand ejections and localized lateral spreading adjacent to streams, canals, lakes, etc.
MMI IX (Violent shaking) ?
Structures Many low standard buildings destroyed. Ordinary workmanship buildings heavily damaged, some collapse. Reinforced masonry or concrete buildings damaged, some with partial collapse. Buildings and bridges designed and built to resist earthquakes damaged in some cases, some with flexible frames seriously damaged. Damage or permanent distortion to some buildings and bridges, designed and built to normal use standards. Houses not secured to foundations shifted off. Brick veneers fall and expose frames. Environment : Cracking of ground conspicuous. Landsliding general on steep slopes. Liquefaction effects intensified and more widespread, with large lateral spreading and flow sliding adjacent to streams, canals, lakes, etc.
Tell us your experience and how many seconds the shaking lasted + let us know if your property has been damaged (even slight damage). (max. 500 characters)
* mandatory fields


  1. John Watts says:

    On Staten Island, New York I just felt an earthquake tremor at approx. 4:51pm. It lasted between 5 to 10 seconds, shaking everything in my living room. Today's date is Nov. 30, 2017.

  2. Douglas Robertson says:

    Clicking on the California link within the United States section returns a "403 Forbidden" error (page URL:, as do all the other States. Most, not all, of the country links within the All Countries section perform as expected.

  3. Michael Neras says:


    My family have reported earth quake activity in Horino village, Siwai District, South Bougainville, PNG for the past two weeks to date 20/04/14. The magnitude of the quakes are unknown . It has caused houses in the area to collapse Is it possible to find the likely cause.

    Could it be caused by active volcanic activity? Can some one assist by providing us updates?


    • Armand Vervaeck says:

      Hi Michael,
      The reason is tectonic. Volcanic activity is generating earthquakes only at the base of the volcano. The plates in PNG are however very fast moving and quiet complicated and massive earthquakes are really common there. PNG'rs are generally well prepared for even massive earthquakes. Most of them are happening offshore which weakens the shaling on the islands a bit. We will be regularly posting updates and in-depth articles on the PNG quakes. Yesterday it was impossible due to nobody around in the office.

  4. Comment on the El Hierro page has been disabled. There seems to be something going on as there have been 41 quakes till now since early this morning. Especially the depth is new. Average around 20 km.

  5. Lunchb0x says:

    Thank you very much for this site. I wish everyone in Bohol and Cebu (and everywhere else affected) all the best, please stay safe and well. I will be praying for you.

  6. Hi, where do I get to read personal experiences of people around the globe?

  7. Hi! Really like this site! If I feel a quake, I will report it to you! I live in the New Madrid region. Mascha.

    • Armand Vervaeck says:

      Thanks Mascha

    • Speaking of the New Madrid region...
      It would be useful to have reports specific to faults or areas like "San Andreas", "Pacific Rim", "Yellowstone" or "New Madrid". This would eliminate having to cull through every state in the US group (as an example) for activity potentially relevant to much bigger events expected to come to those areas.
      I live in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It would be nice to anticipate when I might be enjoying beach front property. Lol!
      Thanks for this great website.