Earthquake-Report is sad to publish this list of the deceased of Hokkaido prefecture. Earthquake-Report thoughts are with the family and friends of the below listed people, young and old.
The list was published by 47news in Japan and is based on official police data.
We have translated the originally Japanese list as a service to our worldwide readers audience who have friends and family in Japan. Please spread the word of the existence of this list as many people may have friends or family knowing people in Japan.
We welcome people wishing to help in updating this list (as the list will get longer and longer the coming weeks) and will need almost daily attention. Click here to let us know.
Hokkaido Prefecture deceased list
Shigeru Yoshi Hakodate - 67 - Tegura
Kanayama Toshihiko - 55 - Asahikawa
Rin Nobukazu - 46 - Wakkanai
Ishikawa, Toshio - 48 - City Shibetsu
Hirasaka Kazuya - 20 - Town Toubetsu
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