Massive earthquake brings a destructive tsunami in Japan (Part 2)

Tsunami waves travelling from Japan to the rest of the Pacific Ocean

This is part 2 of our ongoing story on the massive 8.9 earthquake / tsunami which struck Japan on March 11 2011. Click here for part one.
Click here for part 3

We have currently 3 HELP ME alarms coming from our QUAKESOS application from Japan. If anyone of our readers know these people, please try to help them by airing the maessage by all means. The GPS coordinates from these persons are shown on the screen.
We hope that these people have pushed the wrong button and hope to clear their situation asap.

Aileen Rebueno sending his alarm from Nagoya
Aileen seem to be OK as she send a test message a shortwile ago

Cesar Oshiro sending his alarm from Chikusei
Still no news

Bruce Cheng sending his alarm from Chiyoda
Still no news

UPDATE 22:28 UTC : We could finally reach our most important and accurate information point in Japan.
The Japanese text has been translated by the Google translation robot. Sorry for the sometimes strange language but you will hopefully pardon us for this. I agree it will be more like latin, but this is the most recent information coming directly out of Japan Fire department services.

Hokkaido: One slightly injured in the city of Eniwa
岩手県:久慈市において死者1人 Iwate: One dead in Kuji
:山田町において死者2人 : Two dead in Yamada
ï¼šæ´¥æ³¢ã§è»ŠãŒæµã•ã‚Œæ­»è€…ï¼‘äººï¼ˆå ´æ‰€ä¸æ˜Žï¼‰ : 1 person killed in the tsunami swept the car (unknown location)
:大船渡市において死者5人 : Five dead in Ofunato
:田野畑村において死者1人 : 1 person killed in the village Tanohata
:陸前高田市において死者2人 : 2 people dead in the city Rikuzentakata
:宮古市において死者2人 : 2 people dead in the city of Miyako
å®®åŸŽçœŒï¼šä»™å—åœ°åŸŸåºƒåŸŸç®¡å†…ã®é‡Žçƒå ´ã«ãŠã„ã¦æ­»è€…ï¼’äºº Miyagi: 2 people dead in the global community baseball field in the tube Sennan
:七ヶ浜町において死者あり(人数不明) : In the dead in the town Shitigahama (unknown number)
ï¼šæ —åŽŸå¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼—äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ : 7 people injured in the city of Kurihara (minor injury)
:仙台市において4人生き埋め : 4 people buried alive in the city of Sendai
:大崎地区において建物倒壊により1人死亡 : One killed in building collapse by the district Oosaki
:登米市において死者2人、重傷4人、軽傷27人 : 2 people dead in the city of Tome, four seriously injured, slightly injured 27 people
ï¼šå¤šè³€åŸŽå¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦å ¤é˜²ãŒæ±ºå£Šã—å¤šæ•°å–ã‚Šæ®‹ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ : Many have been left out in the city with levees break Tagazyou
ç¦å³¶çœŒï¼šé ˆè³€å·åœ°æ–¹åºƒåŸŸã«ãŠã„ã¦æ­»è€…ï¼’äººã€è¡Œæ–¹ä¸æ˜Žï¼˜äºº Fukushima: 2 people dead in the local regional Sukagawa, eight missing
ï¼šç™½æ²³åœ°æ–¹åºƒåŸŸã«ãŠã„ã¦åœŸç ‚å´©ã‚Œç™ºç”Ÿï¼•ä¸–å¸¯ï¼˜äººç”ŸãåŸ‹ã‚ã€è¡Œæ–¹ä¸æ˜Žï¼–äºº : Buried alive by mudslides occurred in five households eight local regional Shirakawa, six missing
:南相馬市において行方不明5人 : 5 people missing in the city of Minami Souma
:いわき市において行方不明5人 : Five missing in Iwaki City
:富岡町において行方不明1人 : 1 person missing in Tomiokachō
ï¼šåŒè‘‰ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è¡Œæ–¹ä¸æ˜Žï¼‘ï¼˜äººã€è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ : 18 people missing in Futabachō, one wounded (minor injury)
:楢葉町において行方不明14人 : 14 people missing in the town Naraha
ï¼šå¤§ç†Šç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äººï¼ˆé‡å‚·ï¼‰ : One person injured in the town Ookuma (injured)
ï¼šé¡çŸ³ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ : One person injured in the town Kagamiishi (minor injury)
ï¼šæ¡‘æŠ˜ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ : One person injured in the town Koori (minor injury)
ï¼šç”°æ‘å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼”äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ : 4 people injured in the city of Tamura (minor injury)
茨城県:常陸太田市において建物の下敷きになり死者1人 Ibaraki: One dead and buried under a building in the city Hitatioota
:日立市において建物倒壊により死者1人、心肺停止1人 : 1 person killed by collapsing buildings in the city of Hitachi, one cardiac arrest

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ï¼šç¨²æ•·å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼’äººï¼ˆã†ã¡ï¼‘äººå¿ƒè‚ºåœæ­¢ï¼‰ : Two people injured in the city Inashiki (lungs stop a human heart out)
:東海村原子力発電所の煙突に宙づりの9人のうち緊急消防援助隊埼玉県防災ヘ : F Fire Emergency Disaster Relief Team of Saitama Prefecture, nine suspended in Tokai-mura nuclear power plant chimneys
リにより3名救出(軽傷) Three rescued by a memory (minor injury)
ほか現在確認中 In addition to currently being reviewed
æ ƒæœ¨çœŒï¼šèŠ³è³€ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦å»ºç‰©å€’å£Šã«ã‚ˆã‚Šæ­»è€…ï¼‘äºº Tochigi: One dead in building collapse by Haga
é¹¿æ²¼å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼“äºº Three injured in Kanuma
æ ƒæœ¨å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äºº 1 person injured in Tochigi
æ—¥å…‰å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼•äººï¼ˆã†ã¡ï¼‘äººé‡å‚·ï¼‰ 5 people injured in the city of Nikko (1 person injured)
å°å±±å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼“äºº Three injured in Oyama
å¤§ç”°åŽŸå¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘ï¼’äººï¼ˆã†ã¡ï¼”äººé‡å‚·ï¼‰ 12 people injured in Otawara (4 of them seriously)
ä¸‹é‡Žå¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼’ï¼–äºº 26 people injured in the city Shimono
ã•ãã‚‰å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼‘äºº 1 person injured in Sakura City
é‚£é ˆç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼’äºº Two injured in Nasu Town
å¸‚è²ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼’äºº Two injured in Town Itikai
é‚£é ˆçƒå±±å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦åœŸç ‚å´©ã‚Œã«å·»ãè¾¼ã¾ã‚ŒãŸå®¶å±‹ã®ä¸­ã§è¡Œæ–¹ä¸æ˜Žï¼’äºº 2 people missing in landslides in the house were involved in Nasu Osan
åŸ¼çŽ‰çœŒï¼šè² å‚·è€…ï¼“ï¼’äººï¼ˆã†ã¡é‡å‚·è€…ï¼“äººã€è»½å‚·è€…ï¼’ï¼™äººï¼‰ Saitama: 32 people injured (seriously injured three people out, 29 people slightly injured)
æ±äº¬éƒ½ï¼šåƒä»£ç”°åŒºä¹æ®µä¼šé¤¨ã«ãŠã„ã¦å¤©äº•è½ä¸‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šæ­»è€…ï¼‘äººã€è² å‚·è€…ï¼’ï¼˜äººï¼ˆã†ã¡é‡å‚· Tokyo: one person killed by a falling roof at Kudan Kaikan, Chiyoda-ku, injuring 28 people (out injured
è€…ï¼•äººï¼‰ã€è² å‚·è€…ï¼“äººï¼ˆè»½å‚·ï¼‰ Five participants), three injuries (minor injuries)
é™å²¡çœŒï¼šå¾¡æ®¿å ´å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦è² å‚·è€…ï¼’äººï¼ˆã†ã¡ï¼‘äººé‡å‚·ã€ï¼‘äººè»½å‚·ï¼‰ Shizuoka Prefecture: Two injured in Gotemba City (1 person injured, slightly injured one person)
(2) 物的被害 (2) property damage
å®®åŸŽçœŒï¼šæ —åŽŸå¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦å»ºç‰©å€’å£Šï¼“æ£Ÿ Miyagi: 3 buildings collapsed buildings in the city of Kurihara
福島県:いわき市、福島市において建物倒壊多数その他の地域においても倒壊建物あり Fukushima: Iwaki City, the building has collapsed in many other areas in a building collapse Fukushima
相馬地方広域において特別老人ホーム倒壊1棟 Building a global collapse in a special nursing home district Soma
ï¼šã„ã‚ãå¸‚ã„ã‚ãåœ°åŒºã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ“ãƒŠãƒ¼ãƒˆã®å°åæµœçŸ³æ²¹ã®å±‹å¤–ã‚¿ãƒ³ã‚¯ï¼“åŸºã®æµ®ãå±‹æ ¹æ²ˆ : Precipitation of three floating roof oil tank outside the complex Onahama Iwaki Area Iwaki City
没 Death
:双葉町において住家全壊61棟、新地町において住家全壊414棟、楢葉町に : Building 61 Houses Demolished in Futabachō Building, 414 Houses Demolished in Shinchichō, the town Naraha
おいて住家全壊50棟、大熊町において住家全壊15棟、会津若松市において 50 houses razed to leave home for, destroyed 15 buildings in the town Ookuma Houses in Aizu-Wakamatsu
ä½å®¶å…¨å£Šï¼‘æ£Ÿã€é ˆè³€å·å¸‚ã«ãŠã„ã¦ä½å®¶å…¨å£Šï¼—æ£Ÿã€æ¡‘æŠ˜ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦ã€ä½å®¶å…¨å£Šï¼• Houses destroyed a building, dwelling house razed seven houses in the city of Sukagawa in Koori town, destroyed five dwelling
棟、福島市において住家全壊10棟、川内村において住家一部損壊20棟 Building, Building 10 Houses Demolished in Fukushima City, damaging some 20 houses in the village of residence Kawauti
:福島市において、非住家(大学)倒壊1棟、桑折町において、非住家(その他) : In Fukushima, the non-dwelling (universities) collapsed a building in the town Koori, non-dwelling house (other)
全壊11棟、半壊3棟 11 houses destroyed, partially destroyed three buildings
千葉県:成田市において建物倒壊 Chiba: collapsed buildings in the city of Narita
(3) 火災発生状況 (3) State fire
青森県3件 3 Aomori
岩手県8件(3件鎮火) Iwate Prefecture, 8 (3 extinguished)
:盛岡市3件(1件鎮火)、奥州金ヶ崎行政事務組合3件(2件鎮火)、久慈広 : Morioka, 3 (1 extinguished), and three interior Kanegasaki civil service unions (2 extinguished), Kuzi Hiroshi
域1件 Area 1
:宮古地区の2地域において大規模火災が発生(民家から延焼し、林野火災2件)、 : A large fire occurred in two regions of the Miyako area (from the house to fire, forest fires 2)
大沢地区において大規模火災1 Osawa area in a large-scale fires
ä»¶ã€å®®å¤å¸‚å†…ç«ç½ï¼–ä»¶ã€å±±ç”°ç”ºç«ç½ï¼‘ä»¶ã€åŒ—ä¸Šå¸‚å·¥å ´ç«ç½éŽ®ç« Reviews, six local fire Miyako, Yamada 1 fire, extinguish fire Kitakami Plant
:大槌町において林野火災が発生し延焼中 : In the town forest fire spread Ootsuti
宮城県34件(2件鎮火) 34 Miyagi (extinguished 2)
:仙台市25件(うち大規模な2件、①宮城野区において民家数棟延焼中。約2 : Sendai 25 (out of 2 large, the number of house building during the fire district Miyagino ①. 2 about
50m離れた建物屋上に約780名が3か所に分散して避難中(自衛隊ヘリが During evacuation 50m distributed to approximately 780 names of three places off the roof of the building (SDF helicopters
救出作業中)→1か所(200名)のみ救助完了②泉区あけ通り工業地帯印刷 Rescue work in progress), place 1 → (200) printing industrial zone as the rescue is complete only opened in Izumi Ward ②
å·¥å ´ç´„ï¼‘ï¼Œï¼ï¼ï¼ãŽ¡ç«ç½ï¼‰ã€è§’ç”°å¸‚ï¼’ä»¶ã€ä»™å—åœ°åŸŸåºƒåŸŸï¼‘ä»¶ï¼ˆéŽ®ç«ï¼‰ã€åå–å¸‚ Factory fire of about 1,000 square meters), 2 Kakuda City, Region 1 Regional Sennan (extinguished), Natori
ï¼‘ä»¶ã€å²©æ²¼å¸‚ï¼‘ä»¶ã€æ —åŽŸå¸‚ï¼ä»¶ã€çŸ³å·»å¸‚åºƒç¯„å›²ã§å»¶ç„¼ï¼ˆï¼•ä»¶éŽ®ç«ï¼‰ã€å¤šè³€åŸŽå¸‚ 1, 1 Iwanuma, Kurihara City 0, Ishinomaki widespread fire (extinguished 6), City Tagazyou
ï¼“ä»¶ï¼ˆï¼’ä»¶éŽ®ç«ï¼‰ã€ä»™å°å¸‚åŠã³å¤šè³€åŸŽå¸‚ã®ï¼ªï¼¸æ—¥é‹¼æ—¥çŸ³ã‚¨ãƒãƒ«ã‚®ãƒ¼ï¼ˆæ ªï¼‰ã«ãŠ 3 (2 extinguished), the city of Sendai and JX Tagazyou Ntsukou Nisseki energy (strain), your
いて爆発(LPG 出荷施設火災)、大崎広域1件(鎮火)、 They explode (LPG shipping facility fire), and one regional Oosaki (extinguished)
:石巻市東北電力女川発電所タービンビルにおいて火災発生→自衛消防隊により : The fire brigade fire → Electric Power Onagawa plant in Ishinomaki turbine building
消火活動中 During fire fighting
:気仙沼市本吉地区火災多数 : Many fire districts Kesennuma Motoyoshi
:多賀城市においてマンション火災延焼中→浸水が激しく救助が不可能 : Unable to severe flood rescue in apartment fire spreading in the city Tagazyou →
秋田県:秋田市内において火災発生 Akita: Akita City in fire
福島県14件(11件鎮火) Fukushima 14 (11 extinguished)

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:いわき市3件(2件鎮火)、白河地方広域2件(1件鎮火)、郡山地方広域4 : Iwaki City, 3 (2 extinguished), Region 2 Regional Shirakawa (1 extinguished), Region 4 regional Kooriyama
件(3件が鎮火)、福島市5件(すべて鎮火) Reviews (3 is extinguished), 5 Fukushima (extinguish all)
茨城県22件(10件鎮火) Ibaraki Prefecture, 22 (10 extinguished)
:水戸市2件、日立市2件(1件鎮火)、ひたちなか市2件(1件鎮火)、土浦 : 2, Mito, Hitachi City 2 (1 extinguished), Hitachinaka City 2 (1 extinguished), Tsuchiura
市3件(1件鎮火)、筑西広域3件(すべて鎮火)、稲敷地方広域1件(鎮火)、 3 City (1 extinguished), 3 regional筑西(all extinguished), Region 1 Regional Inashiki (extinguished)
常総地方広域1件(鎮火)、茨城西南2件(すべて鎮火)、北茨城市1件、太 Region 1 Regional Joso (extinguished), Ibaraki Seinan 2 (extinguished all), 1 Kitaibaraki City, Kota
子町1件、鹿島地方0件、東海村3件、つくば市2件、阿見町1件(鎮火) Town 1 child, 0 Kashima district, Tokai-mura 3, 2, Tsukuba, Ami Town 1 (extinguished)
æ ƒæœ¨çœŒï¼šå®‡éƒ½å®®å¸‚ï¼“ä»¶ã€çŸ¢æ¿å¸‚ï¼‘ä»¶ã€ã•ãã‚‰å¸‚ï¼‘ä»¶ã€ Tochigi Prefecture, Japan: Utsunomiya City, 3, 1 Yaita City, Sakura City 1,
千葉県2件 Chiba, Japan 2
ï¼šå¸‚åŽŸå¸‚ã®ã‚³ã‚¹ãƒ¢çŸ³æ²¹ï¼ˆæ ªï¼‰åƒè‘‰è£½æ²¹æ‰€ã‚¬ã‚¹æ¼ã‚Œå¾Œçˆ†ç™ºç‚Žä¸Šä¸­ : Oil in Ichihara (Co) in flames after a gas leak千葉製油所
→市原市消防局から東京消防庁に消防艇及びハイパーレスキューの要請 Haiparesukyu request from the Tokyo Fire Department and the Fire Department fireboat Ichihara →
→緊急消防援助隊神奈川県隊の大型高所放水車、大型化学消防車、大型泡原液 Takashi Tokoro a large water cannons Corps emergency fire rescue team, Kanagawa →, a large chemical fire engine, a large foam concentrate
搬送車及び消防艇が出動 Transport vehicles and fire dispatch boat
→20時00分大容量泡放射システムの一部が到着 Arrival of large foam part of the system for 00 minutes at 20 →
è² å‚·è€…ï¼“äººã†ã¡é‡å‚·è€…ï¼‘äºº One of the seriously injured three people injured
:千葉市の JFE スチール(æ ª)東日本において火災発生(千葉市消防局において延 : Chiba City, JFE Steel (Ltd.), a fire in the East (Total in Chiba City Fire Department
焼防止活動中→火災ではなく銑鉄の流出事故であることが判明) Turns out to be a pig spill prevention activities rather than fire burning inside →)
:市原市石油コンビナートチッソ石油化学(æ ª)äº”äº•è£½é€ æ‰€ã«ãŠã„ã¦ãƒ—ãƒ¬ãƒ”ãƒ¬ãƒ³ã® : Chisso石油化学Ichihara, petrochemical (stock) of the Purepirenäº”äº•è£½é€ æ‰€
ガス化設備の火災が発生 Gasification facilities, fire
:千葉市 JFE ケミカル(æ ª)æ±æ—¥æœ¬è£½é€ æ‰€ã«ãŠã„ã¦ç«ç½ãŒç™ºç”Ÿï¼ˆè©³ç´°ç¢ºèªä¸­ï¼‰ : JFE Chemical Chiba (Inc.) mill fire in the East (in the confirmation details)
:船橋市 JX 日鉱日赤エネルギー(æ ª)船橋油槽所においてガソリンが漏えい : JX Funabashi, Nikko Ntsuseki energy (strain) of gas leaks in oil depots bridge
→措置済み → Pre-measure
東京都24件(23件鎮火) Tokyo 24 (23 extinguished)
ï¼šå°å ´å‘¨è¾º : Odaiba Area
:江東区青梅(詳細不明) : Oume, Koto-ku (unspecified)
神奈川県2件(1件鎮火) 2 Kanagawa prefecture (extinguish 1)
:川崎市の JFE スチール(æ ª)東日本においてケーブル火災発生→鎮火 : JFE Steel Corporation Kawasaki (Co) → extinguish a fire in the eastern cable
:川崎市において中高層建物で火災1件 : 1 High - rise building fire in Kawasaki
静岡県1件 1 Shizuoka
(4) 津波被害 (4) Tsunami
岩手県:宮古地区において津波により10カ所以上の集落が全壊、漂流者多数 Iwate Prefecture: villages were completely destroyed by the tsunami more than 10 locations in Miyako district, and many drifter
:陸前高田市の市内4町水没(詳細不明) : City 4 submerged town Rikuzentakata City (unspecified)
:大船渡市300棟以上が崩壊または流出 : 300 buildings or out over the collapse of Ofunato
宮城県:石巻市において住宅10棟流出 Miyagi: 10 residential buildings in the city of Ishinomaki spill
ä»™å°æ¸¯å—é˜²æ³¢å ¤ã«ãŠã„ã¦ä½æ°‘ï¼’ï¼äººã€è­¦å¯Ÿå®˜ï¼’äººå–ã‚Šæ®‹ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ 20 residents in Sendai Kounan breakwater, which left two police officers who
åå–å¸‚å†…å„æ‰€ã§å±‹æ ¹ã®ä¸Šã«é¿é›£è€…å¤šæ•° Many refugees on rooftops throughout the city Natori
å—ä¸‰é™¸ç”ºã«ãŠã„ã¦å—ä¸‰é™¸ç”ºå½¹å ´ã«ï¼–ã€ï¼—äººãŒå–ã‚Šæ®‹ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ Sanriku Minami Sanriku town hall in the south that left six or seven people
福島県:相馬地方広域において津波により海岸に数人取り残される Fukushima: the number of people being left behind by the tsunami on the coast in the Soma district wide
é ˆè³€å·å¸‚å†…ï¼’ç®‡æ‰€ã«ãŠã„ã¦å®¶å±‹åŠã³äººãŒæµã•ã‚Œã‚‹ï¼ˆæ•‘åŠ©æ´»å‹•ä¸­ï¼‰ Be washed away houses and people in two locations Sukagawa city (in relief efforts)
相馬市において津波被害甚大(詳細確認中) Soma devastating tsunami in the city (waiting confirmation details)
茨城県:大洗町中心部まで津波 Ibaraki Prefecture: Tsunamis from the town center Ooarai
(5) その他の被害 (5) Other damage
å²©æ‰‹çœŒï¼šå²©æ‰‹çœŒäºŒæˆ¸åœ°åŒºåºƒåŸŸã«ãŠã„ã¦åœ°æ»‘ã‚Šç™ºç”Ÿï¼ˆç”ŸãåŸ‹ã‚ãªã©ã®æƒ…å ±ã¯ç¢ºèªä¸­ï¼‰ Iwate Prefecture: Regional landslide occurrence in the area, Iwate Prefecture, two units (or other information is buried under review)
ï¼šä¹…æ…ˆåºƒåŸŸã«ãŠã„ã¦çŸ³æ²¹å‚™è“„åŸºåœ°ã®å±‹å¤–ã‚¿ãƒ³ã‚¯ï¼”åŸºç ´æï¼ˆç«ç½ãªã—ï¼‰ : Four outdoor tank damaged the global oil reserve base Kuzi (no fire)
:花巻市葛丸ダムにおいて岩盤崩落し川をせき止め(詳細確認中) : Dammed a river dam collapsed in round rock Hanamaki Ge (waiting confirmation details)
å®®åŸŽçœŒï¼šæ°—ä»™æ²¼å¸‚åœŸç ‚å´©ã‚Œ Miyagi: Landslides Kesennuma
山形県:酒田地区石油コンビナート東西オイルターミナル(æ ª)において屋外タンクの浮 Yamagata: petroleum oil terminal area Nishi Azuma Sakata (Co) floating in the outdoor tank
ãå±‹æ ¹ä¸Šã«ã‚¬ã‚½ãƒªãƒ³ãŒè¢«ã•ã‚Šç«ç½å±é™ºã‚ã‚Š Fire danger in getting on the roof of gasoline被Sari
茨城県:行方市と鉾田市を結ぶ鹿行大橋が倒壊 Ibaraki Prefecture: Bridge collapses deer line between city and city whereabouts Hokota
:東海村日本原子力発電(æ ª)東海第二発電所において冷却系ポンプ停止 : Tokai-mura, Japan Atomic Power (Co) in power plant cooling system pump down the second Toukai
新潟県:東北電力(æ ª)東新潟火力発電所において原油漏えい1件→流出防止処置済み Niigata Prefecture: Tohoku Electric Power (Co) → spill prevention measures have been leaking oil in 1 Higashi Niigata Thermal Power Station
千葉県:市原市において古川電気工業において絶縁油漏えい Chiba: insulating oil leakage in the古川電気工業Ichihara
:袖ヶ浦市東京ガス(æ ª)è¢–ãƒ¶æµ¦å·¥å ´ã«ãŠã„ã¦ LNG が漏えい : Gas Toukyou Sodegaura City (Corporation) Sodegaura LNG plant in disclosure

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5 5
3 地方公共団体における災害対策本部等の設置状況 Installation conditions and other emergency response headquarters in the three local governments
北海道 15時30分 災害対策本部設置 Established emergency response headquarters Hokkaidou 15:30
青森県 Aomori
14時46分 災害対策本部設置 Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Headquarters located at 46 minutes 14
岩手県 Iwate Prefecture
14時46分 災害対策本部設置 Established emergency response headquarters at 46 minutes 14
宮城県 Miyagi
14時46分 災害対策本部設置 Headquarters located at 46 minutes 14 disaster
福島県 15時05分 災害対策本部設置 Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Headquarters located at 05 minutes 15 Fukushima
茨城県 15時10分 災害対策本部設置 10:15-minute emergency response headquarters located in Ibaraki Prefecture
æ ƒæœ¨çœŒ Tochigi
14時46分 災害対策本部設置 Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Headquarters located at 46 minutes 14
神奈川県 15時10分 災害対策本部設置 Established emergency response headquarters in Kanagawa Prefecture 10:15 minutes
4 緊急消防援助隊の派遣状況 Fire rescue team dispatched 4 emergency situations
岩手県へ陸上部隊88隊、航空部隊2隊が出動 88 Corps land forces to Iwate Prefecture, Air Force dispatched two corps
宮城県へ陸上部隊111隊、航空部隊4隊が出動 Corps land forces to Miyagi 111, Air Force dispatched four corps
福島県へ陸上部隊60隊、航空部隊2隊が出動 60 Corps land forces to Fukushima Prefecture, Air Force dispatched two corps
茨城県へ陸上部隊60隊、航空部隊1隊が出動 60 Corps land forces to the Ibaraki Prefecture, has dispatched an air force team
千葉県へ陸上部隊37隊、海上部隊8隊が出動 Corps land forces to Chiba 37, 8 Corps naval forces mobilized
5 消防庁の対応 Fire Department for five
éœ‡åº¦ï¼–å¼±ä»¥ä¸Šã‚’è¨˜éŒ²ã—ãŸéƒ½é“åºœçœŒã«å¯¾ã—ã€é©åˆ‡ãªå¯¾å¿œåŠã³è¢«å®³å ±å‘Šã«ã¤ã„ã¦è¦è«‹ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã¨ Less than six prefectures recorded intensity, and to ask for appropriate action and report damage
もに、震度6弱以上を記録した関係消防本部に直接被害状況の問い合わせをした。 To be made a query of the damage related directly to the Fire Department recorded more than six weak intensity.
対応状況は以下のとおりである。 Compliance status is as follows.
11日 14時46分 消防庁災害対策本部設置(本部長:長官/第3次応急体制) Disaster Fire Department Headquarters located 14 hours 46 minutes 11 (Head: Secretary / third emergency system)
消防庁コンビナート特命班設置 Mission Fire Department crew installing complex
14時55分 éœ‡åº¦ï¼–å¼±ä»¥ä¸Šã‚’è¨˜éŒ²ã—ãŸéƒ½é“åºœçœŒã«å¯¾ã—ã€é©åˆ‡ãªå¯¾å¿œåŠã³è¢«å®³å ± The prefectural government recorded more than 55 minutes at intensity 6 lower 14, the appropriate response and damage reports
告について要請 Request for advertising
15時00分 震度6弱以上を記録した岩手県、宮城県及び各消防本部に対し、 Iwate Prefecture, were recorded more than 00 minutes at intensity 6 lower 15, for each Fire Department and Miyagi
ï¼‘ï¼‘ï¼™ç•ªé€šå ±åŠã³è¢«å®³çŠ¶æ³ã‚’ç¢ºèªã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã€è»’ä¸¦ã¿ä¸é€š Also check on the damage and 119, across the board, interrupted
→ 通信可能 Communicable →
15時00分 岩手県及び宮城県に消防庁職員各2名を派遣 Fire Department dispatched two employees to each of Iwate Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture, 15:00
15時03分 æ¶ˆé˜²åºé•·å®˜ã‹ã‚‰åŒ—æµ·é“ã€ç¦å³¶çœŒã€èŒ¨åŸŽçœŒã€æ ƒæœ¨çœŒã€ç¾¤é¦¬çœŒã€åƒè‘‰ Secretary of Hokkaido from the Fire Department 03 minutes at 15, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Japan
県、神奈川県、富山県、山梨県の航空部隊に出動準備の指示 Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, instructed the preparation of the Air Force dispatched to Yamanashi Prefecture
15時05分 岩手県庁と連絡確認 現在のところ被害状況不明 The damage is currently unknown and to confirm Iwate Prefecture 05 minutes at 15
15時40分 消防庁長官から緊急消防援助隊に対して出動指示 Fire rescue team dispatched to the emergency directive from the Commissioner of Fire Department 15 at 1:40
16時30分 消防庁職員2名(出張中)を福島県に派遣 4:30 pm Fire Department officials two (traveling) sent Fukushima
→21時15分福島県庁到着 21 → arrive at 8:15 Hukushima Reformer
17時30分 消防庁職員2名を宮城県に派遣 Miyagi sent two fire department employees 5.30pm
→21時05分宮城県庁到着 Miyagi Prefecture arrived 05 minutes at 21 →
消防庁職員2名を岩手県に派遣 Iwate Prefecture, sent two officials to the Fire Department
18時00分 政府調査団として消防庁職員1名(総務課長)を宮城県に派遣 One fire department official as the government survey team for 00 minutes at 18 (Mr. MIC) dispatched Miyagi
→21時00分宮城県庁到着 Miyagi prefectural government arrived at 21 → 00 minutes
18時50分 消防庁職員2名を茨城県に派遣 Ibaraki Prefecture, the officials sent two 50-minute fire department at 18
19時50分 消防庁職員1名(青森県八戸市合同庁舎に出張中)に現地での情 One fire department official at 19 and 50 minutes (during a business trip to Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture Government Office) in the local information
å ±åŽé›†æŒ‡ç¤º Directed information collection
21時15分 内閣官房広域医療班として消防庁職員1名を被災地に派遣 Dispatched to the disaster area as a medical team to the regional fire department official one-minute Cabinet 15:21
22時40分 官邸緊急対策本部要員として消防庁職員3名を派遣 Fire Department dispatched three officials as an emergency headquarters staff at 22 Downing Street 40 minutes
6 政府の対応 Government response 6
11日 14時46分 官邸対策室設置 14 hours 46 minutes set Prevention Office 11 Downing Street
15時37分 緊急災害対策本部設置 Disaster headquarters located at 37 minutes 15
15時38分 関係閣僚会議開始 38 min at 15 start of the meeting of Ministers
17時05分 原子力災害対策本部設置 Nuclear emergency response headquarters located 05 minutes at 17
17時08分 総務大臣から宮城県知事、福島県知事、茨城県知事及び岩手県知 Miyagi governor 17 from 3:08 Minister, Governor of Fukushima, Iwate and knowledge Ibaraki Prefecture Governor
äº‹ã«é †æ¬¡é›»è©±é€£çµ¡ã«ã‚ˆã‚ŠçŠ¶æ³ç¢ºèªç­‰ã‚’å®Ÿæ–½ And conduct phone calls on the situation confirmed it sequentially
18時08分 総務大臣から青森県知事に電話連絡により状況確認等を実施 Check the status and conduct phone calls from the governor of Aomori Minister 3:08 18
19時03分 原子力災害対策本部会議開催 03-minute meeting at 19 nuclear emergency response headquarters

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6 06
19時24分 緊急災害対策本部会議開催 24-minute meeting at 19 disaster headquarters
21時23分 総理大臣により福島第一原発半径3㎞以内に避難指示、半径3㎞ Evacuation instructions within 3 km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant by the Prime Minister 23:21 minutes, 3 km radius
~10㎞以内に自宅待機指示 Instructed to stay home - less than 10 km

UPDATE 22:23 UTC : Many of our sources which are also used by Japanse citizens are almost unreachable due to too heavy demand. Not only Earthquake-Report seem to have this problem.

UPDATE 22:08 UTC: We have reached at this moment 100,000 pageviews (today alone). These pages have been viewed by 42,000 people (we do write alot of information on 1 page). James and myself are making a CALL to insurance companies, authorities, universities and individual seismologists to JOIN Earthquake-Report to inform the world even better than today. We assume some people who can afford it can make a small donation to transfer to a quicker server :)) - Thanks in advance.

UPDATE 21:38 UTC: We would like to show our readers the seismographs of todays earthquake in Japan. We are using a worldwide seismograph network to show to our readers the graphics of a particular seismograph nearest to the epicenter.
Due to the many very strong aftershocks (often more than 6) all seismographs worldwide are coloring completely BLACK !

Click here to see this seismograph page

UPDATE 21:38 UTC: The TEPCO Unit 1 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Fukushima Prefecture has a big problem and is overviewing different measures to cope with it. We will bring you more news when we obtain it.
These nuclear power stations have been designed to resist to massive earthquakes, but today's earthquake is beyond all thinkable magnitudes.
The discussion about the safety of Nuclear Power stations in earthquake sensitive areas will be certainly reopened again.

UPDATE 21:36 UTC: WE DO APOLOGIZE TO OUR READERS FOR THE SLOW to VERY SLOW RESPONSE OF THE SERVER. We have 15 times more visitors today than during the Christchurch earthquake. The server can't cope with this and we have a lot of problems to edit pages on our own server. Based on this experience we will try to solve this problem for future events. Once again our apologies.

UPDATE 21:22 UTC: Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures did suffer the devastating tsunami at full force. A lot of people are missing.
The whole picture of the damage is still unknown.
According to police, there are more than 700 missing persons. Together with the confirmed fatalities, the cruel death toll of this earthquake will be over 1,000 (very conservative estimate).

UPDATE 21:13 UTC: A number of our Japanese news sources which are publishing out of the heavy damaged areas are off line since the mainshock.

UPDATE 18:15 UTC: Most news and fatality numbers are coming from the city of Sendai, but when the reports will be coming in from the small fisherman villages along the same coast the death toll will considerably climb. A similar 8.4 earthquake earlier this century killed in comparable conditions 3,034 people.

UPDATE 18:08 UTC: Twitter reported that when the earthquake struck 1000 tweets a minute were exchanged through their system within Tokyo alone.

UPDATE 18:01 UTC: Different sources say that the tsunami damage outside Japan will be minimal. It will take several hours before we have more news of the small islands in the pacific closest to the epicenter. A lot of these islands have poor communications and often NO alert systems to warn for an upcoming tsunami.

UPDATE 17:50 UTC: The tsunami waves who travelled via Hawaii to the American western coast were minimal and did not make any damage.

UPDATE 17:48 UTC: It is currently night in Japan and will take a couple of hours more before the authorities are able to give more details about the damage or the fatalities, but they will be surely very cruel.

UPDATE 16:53 UTC: Japanese officials say over 400 are confirmed dead, 350+ others missing and hundreds of others injured. The death toll will likely climb throughout the days and weeks ahead. Again, CATDAT expects a $100 billion pricetag at least.

UPDATE 16:34 UTC: According to police, in the city of Sendai 200-300 people were found dead in Wakabayashi-ku. At this moment, in total, 131 people are confirmed dead. Until later tonight UTC time, it is difficult to get more information, as it is currently night time in Japan. The full extent of the damage will be discovered in the morning.

Tsunami Japan March 11 2011

UPDATE 15:04 UTC: Tsunami destruction in Maui, Hawaii, with 2.5m high waves.

UPDATE 15:00 UTC: We are starting to get some worrying news from the center of the tsunami-hit region. At least 300 people are dead, and we have 10000+ missing (we have values of 88000, while people do not know what is happening). 5862 people were evacuated in Fukushima following the reactor overheating due to power failure. Sendai airport is completely underwater. The cost of which will be large. The aircraft there are unknown. Again, we expect losses exceeding $100 billion USD.

UPDATE 14:44 UTC: According to police, in Miyagi Prefecture, the number of bodies were found at 200 and 300 Wakabayashi-ku Sendai City. Sendai city is the fact that the tsunami reached out major damage to nearly 10 km away from the shoreline in Wakabayashi ward. That means, that 10km inland we can expect tsunami damage. Also, is that people are missing out on because of Ishinomaki City and Kesennuma due to the tsunami. According to the Police in addition, in the city of Ishinomaki "Yamanishi Shipbuilding" stated from "The tsunami washed away after the ship carrying 100 people" is that it came in contact. Further information is not known, the police are investigating a coast guard headquarters. In addition, in Miyagi Prefecture was confirmed 16 deaths. Also, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, in Natori City- many people are on the roof. In Iwate Prefecture, was confirmed 34 deaths. It is also fact that the whereabouts of many people I know. Of these, According to Ofunato, the city is that 11 people were killed. The town has killed five â–½ Yamada. 5 people in the city Rikuzentakata â–½, three in Kuji â–½, two people died in the city of Miyako â–½. In addition, the city of seven Ootsuti â–½, one people died in the village Tanohata â–½.

UPDATE 14:03 UTC: We are sorry to inform everyone watching. According to the information entered the Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters, in Wakabayashi-ku Sendai Arahama is that dead bodies were found. 200 to 300 people believed to have drowned to death. The confirmed death toll stands at 95, but we can only assume that it will rise substantially.

UPDATE 13:33 UTC: The death toll has risen to 95 confirmed deaths with missing accounts in the 100s-1000s, according to news reports from NHK, and other Japanese sources.
UPDATE 13:33 UTC: Espirito Santo analyst Joy Ferneyhough estimates losses could be between $30 billion (£19 billion) and $50 billion (£30 billion), depending on the "insurance density" of the area hit. Other analysts were more sanguine. This would be about on par with the $100 billion total loss estimate coming out of CATDAT.

UPDATE 13:23 UTC: Fire Update - from FDMA Situation Report #12 State of currently known fires Iwate Prefecture, 8 (3 extinguished) Morioka, 3 (1 extinguished), and three interior Kanegasaki civil service unions (2 extinguished), Kuzi Hiroshi Area 1 A large fire occurred in two regions of the Miyako district, a massive fire at Osawa area Reviews, six local fire Miyako, Yamada 1 fire, extinguish fire Kitakami Plant In the town forest fire spread Ootsuti 34 Miyagi (extinguished 2) 25, including 2 high-rise building fire in Sendai City, Kakuda City, 2, 1 Sennan wide area, Natori 1, 1 Iwanuma, Kurihara City, 1, 2 Ishinomaki, Tagazyou City 3 (extinguished 2) The fire brigade in the building on fire → Electric Power turbine power plant in Ishinomaki City Onagawa During fire fighting Many fire districts Kesennuma Motoyoshi Unable to severe flood rescue in apartment fire spreading in the city Tagazyou → Akita: Akita City in fire Fukushima 14 (11 extinguished) Iwaki City, 3 (2 extinguished), Region 2 Regional Shirakawa (1 extinguished), Region 4 regional Kooriyama Reviews (3 is extinguished), 5 Fukushima (extinguish all) Ibaraki Prefecture, 22 (10 extinguished) Mito, Hitachi City 2 (1 was brought under control), 2 Hitachinaka City, Tsuchiura City 3 (1 Extinguished), 3 regional筑西(all extinguished), Region 1 Regional Inashiki (extinguished), the total region always Global 1 (extinguished), Ibaraki Seinan 2 (extinguished all), 1 Kitaibaraki City, Taishi Town 1, 0 Kashima district, Tokai-mura 3, 2, Tsukuba, Ami Town 1 (extinguished) Tochigi: fire in the city of Utsunomiya Chiba, Japan 2 Oil in Ichihara (Co) in flames after a gas leak Haiparesukyu request from the Tokyo Fire Department and the Fire Department fireboat Ichihara → Takashi Tokoro a large water cannons Corps emergency fire rescue team, Kanagawa →, a large chemical fire engine, a large foam concentrate Transport vehicles and fire dispatch boat 20:00 local = Drainage system start preparations for the arrival of large foam for 00 minutes at 20 → One of the seriously injured three people injured Chiba City, JFE Steel (Ltd.), a fire in the East (Total in Chiba City Fire Department) Turns out to be a big spill prevention activities rather than the fire burning inside Chisso石油化学Ichihara, petrochemical (stock) of the Purepiren Gasification facilities, fire JFE Chemical Chiba (Inc.) mill fire in the East (in the confirmation details) Tokyo: Odaiba Area Oume, Koto-ku (unspecified) - 2 Kanagawa prefecture (extinguish 1) - JFE Steel Corporation Kawasaki (Co) → extinguish a fire in the eastern cable - 1 High - rise building fire in Kawasak

UPDATE 13:18 UTC: Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant emergency declaration - People within 3km-10km - the town Ookuma is within 3 km radius and also Futaba town residents are evacuating as a precaution, those in the range of 3 km and 10 km were also told to shelter indoors.

UPDATE 13:11 UTC: 64 are reported dead, and 100s missing. The latest report of missing persons comes from 48 missing (mostly students) in Iwate Oohunato who were swept away by the tsunami. With an earthquake of this scale, the true totals and costs will not become apparent for about 2-5 days. And then the further economic costs will be calculated. A final total of $100 billion USD may not be so far from the true cost.

UPDATE 12:58 UTC: The current JDMA list has 22 dead, 43 injured, however news reports have the death toll much higher. Of the 34 Miyagi fires, only 2 have been extinguished at the moment

UPDATE 12:56 UTC: Japan's All Nippon Airways Co. said 131 domestic and international flights were cancelled, grounding 32,700 passengers. Including flights which changed destinations, the earthquake affected 162 flights and 37,800 passengers, ANA said.

UPDATE 12:43 UTC: The death toll has risen to 61. 2 people have died at a baseball field in Sennan, Five dead in Ofunato, 1 person killed in the village Tanohata, 2 people dead in the city Rikuzentakata, 4 people buried alive in the city of Sendai in addition to those mentioned.

UPDATE 12:25 UTC: The death toll has risen to 50, with 100 people missing from one ship alone from the tsunami, and an additional 39 missing currently with many regions still unaccounted for.

UPDATE 12:21 UTC: The death toll has risen to 50, with 100 people missing from one ship alone from the tsunami, and an additional 39 missing currently with many regions still unaccounted for.

UPDATE 12:13 UTC:A staggering amount of households without power have been reported :- 8.4 million households (30 million people) are without power across Tohoku and Kanto. The economic cost of which is staggering and also making it difficult for emergency crews.

UPDATE 12:09 UTC: According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, currently, 244 people have been recorded injured. At least 100 boats have been swept away. Quake death toll has risen to 40, with 39 missing. This is expected to rise.

UPDATE 12:00 UTC: According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, currently, 97 fires are occurring in at least nine city and county. Among them, in Miyagi prefecture, including a fire that occurred on 23 high-rise buildings such as Sendai and caused a fire in the turbine building of the Electric Power Ishinomaki, 32 fires along is that happening. In addition, 14 in Fukushima Prefecture, 12 in Iwate prefecture, in Ibaraki Prefecture 31, and two in Chiba Prefecture, and two in Tokyo, in addition to going fires 2 in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, Tochigi and Akita fire has occurred in the prefecture Utsunomiya. The other fire victims in the Soma district, Fukushima Prefecture, in addition to a few people left behind by the tsunami on the coast, is that the building collapsed a nursing home. The leaked information that contains hazardous materials in thermal power plant in Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, east of Tohoku Electric Power. In Iwate Prefecture, in addition to a series of submerged houses in the city in the city Rikuzentakata in Ofunato such damage has been flowing out of the building more than 300 buildings. In Hanamaki the bedrock in the dam collapsed round Ge, is that dammed up a river. In Miyagi Prefecture, in addition to building three houses collapsed in the city of Kurihara, Ishinomaki City is home to 10 houses in the tsunami flow. Also left out is that the two police officers and 20 residents in the south of the harbor breakwater Sendai. Moreover, in addition to a number out of the building collapsed in the city of Iwaki in Fukushima Prefecture and Fukushima, contains information that the building collapsed in the city of Narita in Chiba Prefecture. Ibaraki Prefecture is a bridge that collapsed with the City City Hokota issing. The four people in the city of Sendai, Shirakawa, Fukushima Prefecture in the region because of landslides, making it along with 12 others are missing five of eight families.

UPDATE 11:23 UTC : We are bringing this news directly from one of our Japanese sources : The damage caused two (1) human suffering Iwate: One dead in Kuji Two dead in Yamada 1 person killed in the tsunami swept the car (unknown location) Miyagi: 2 people dead in the global community baseball field in the tube Sennan In the dead in the town Shitigahama (unknown number) 6 injured in Kurihara city 4 people buried alive in the city of Sendai One killed in building collapse by the district Oosaki Fukushima: One dead in a local regional Sukagawa : Buried alive in mudslides caused eight regional local households Shirakawa 5 Ibaraki: One dead and buried under a building in the city Hitatioota :: 1 person killed by collapsing buildings in the city of Hitachi, one cardiac arrest : : Two people injured in the city Inashiki (respiratory and heart failure) :: F Fire Emergency Disaster Relief Team in Saitama on hanging out of nine nuclear power plant in Tokai village chimney Three rescued by a memory (minor injury) In addition to currently being reviewed

UPDATE 11:14 UTC : Although Japan has one of the best Tsunami alert systems worldwide, people in Sendai close to the coast had only few minutes to reach higher gounds. Most of the fatalities will be generated by these tsunami waves.

UPDATE 11:10 UTC : The current number of fatalities is far underestimated if theoretical earthquake damage models are consulted.

UPDATE 10:58 UTC : In this earthquake, the devastating tsunami affected coastal districts of Iwate Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture, and a lot of people are missing, the whole picture of the damage is unknown. As of 10:59 UTC today, but so far only been confirmed, 33 people died in Kanto and Tohoku, and he has a large number of missing and injured.

UPDATE 10:56 UTC : First reports from Taiwan are that the tsunami has only had minor effects along the coastline. Let us hope for similar scenarios in other Pacific nations.

UPDATE 10:52 UTC : Official death toll has risen to 32. However many more are missing.

UPDATE 10:46 UTC : Russian authorities evacuated 11,000+ residents from coastal areas on Pacific islands before they were hit by the tsunami waves. The regional emergency officials said that the waves reached several towns and villages on the Kurils.


  1. Philippa says:

    Trying to contact Takashi Okazaki who lived or lives in Shirakawa-SHI in province Fukushima. His father was or is a doctor in Shirakawa. Any news please post to my email address. [email protected]
    In hope Philippa New Zealand