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This earthquake has been given a surface wave magnitude (Ms) of 5.0, and a depth of 4km by the Chinese seismological agency. There will likely be damage close to the epicenter.
22.02.2015 6:00pm - 11 people were injured, and 11,000 people have been affected. There is minor damage which is widespread throughout some of the villages.
22.02.2015 10:30am - 3 rescue vehicles have travelled to the scene. After the earthquake, the Xinjiang Seismological Bureau immediately launched their emergency plan, and will send 12 people to carry out earthquake emergency field work in the quake zone.
22.02.2015 8:00am - No casualties have been reported as yet via Weibo.
22.02.2015 7:50am - 50,000 people are within damaging intensity bounds.
22.02.2015 7:45am - The earthquake is located in Shawan County and is close to around 900,000 people inside an intensity IV-V boundary.
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.1
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-02-22 14:42:55
GMT/UTC Time : 2015-02-22 06:42:55
Depth (Hypocenter) : 10 km
Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below.
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SRC | Location | UTC Date/time | M | D | INFO | |
USGS | Shihezi, China | Feb 22 06:42 | 5.2 | 15 | MAP | |
EMSC | Northern Xinjiang, China | Feb 22 06:42 | 5.1 | 16 | MAP | |
GEOFON | Northern Xinjiang, China | Feb 22 06:42 | 5.1 | 10 | MAP I Felt It INFO |
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