Very Strong earthquake in the coastal area near Acari, Peru - 29 people injured + lots of damage

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Also written by Jens Skapski and Carlos Robles

Update September 29, 08:39 UTC : The number of injured has been increased to 29 (up from 14 2 days ago)

Update September 27, 09:38 UTC : The authorities have decided to call the State of Emergency in Caraveli (Arequipa) and Lucanes (Ayacucho) provinces. The initial reports did talk about minimal damage but after further assessment the damage is finally much bigger than expected.
- 14 people are officially designated to have been injured in this earthquake, however as said below the mining incident is likely not in this total.
- 66 education facilities (schools etc.) have sustained cracks and fissures in the walls and have to be further inspected by engineers. The most damaged school classes will be temporary replaced by prefabricated containers.
- 997 people are currently homeless
- 4 houses collapsed and 196 houses are uninhabitable (due to major damage).
- 4000 people are affected by this earthquake
- An additional 864 houses had minor damage.
- The most affected villages are : Chala, Bella Unión, Atiquipa and Acarí.
- The authorities have erected tents in this area but a lot of homeless families can live for a while with friends and / or family.
- Water distribution network has been broken and water is not safe to drink anymore. The government does all it can to repair the water distribution network.

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Image courtesy and copyright

Update 07:51 UTC : We are happy to report that the news that 3 miners who were reported as killed in the 4 horas mine in Caraveli (as reported by the authorities) were only "missing" and were found "alive and kicking" as the management of the company reported later. 12 miners were however injured in this mine. 14 other people, also in Caraveli, were also slightly injured following the local Civil Defense.

Update September 26 07:17 UTC : INDECI (Peruvian Civil Defense) has published an overview of the damage so far :
- 15 houses are labeled as "Inhabitable" in Caraveli, a province in the Arequipa area
- 19 houses have been damaged in Chala
- 7 houses have been damaged in Lucanas
The assessment of the damage by INDECI has not yet ended and another report may be expected later today.

Image courtesy and copyright

Image courtesy and copyright

Update 22:54 UTC: 3 miners got killed and 12 where injured when the mine "4 horas" collapsed at the time of the earthquake

Update 20:01 UTC:
The Panamericana road has been blocked by two landslides.
- 3 landslides have been reported in the road Pausa-Oyolo in Ayacucho.
- A landslide also happened in the kilometer 700 in Atico, Caraveli province.
- A tunnel has also been blocked by another landslide in Ocana, Camana province.
- The elementary school of Acari number 40262 has been damaged.
- Other schools have been damaged in Acari.
- A school collapsed in Palca, Lucanas province.
- A number of houses have been declared as uninhabitable in the same city of Palca.

Update 18:23 UTC : At least 6 people were injured in a house collapse in Paucar del Sara Sara in Ayacucho.

Update 18:14 UTC : Collapsed houses are reported from Acari and Caraveli area. More houses are damaged, schools were evacuated. Several landslides occurred, blocking and damaging roads. Also the Panamericana is affected.

Update 17:39 UTC : Contrary to what we expected initially, the earthquake is more powerful than expected. Local press is reporting a number of collapsed houses in Arequipa, esspecially in Acari region. Landslides are also reported. The services of the Civil Defense have already strated assessing the situation.
We keep you updated if more news becomes available.

Update 17:33 UTC : Due to the increased Magnitude, the maximum MMI has also been increased to MMI VII = very strong shaking for the coastal part.Still no reason for us to expect major damage also because this part of the country has regular very strong subduction earthquakes.

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Update 17:28 UTC : USGS has again changed the preliminary values and is reporting now a Magnitude of M7.0 at a depth of 45 km. GDACS has used these values to calculate possible Tsunami scenarios. Maximum wave height will be 1.2 meter (see list below). The tsunami risk has ended while writing this update.

GDACS theoretically tsunami wave height

GDACS theoretically tsunami wave height

Update 17:23 UTC : Local people are reporting panic in many cities like Camana, Castilla and Arequipa. This is normal but we do not see any reason to expect damage in these cities. A powerful earthquake like this lasts normally more than 20 seconds and is perceived as very strong, even if not dangerous for damage.

Update 17:21 UTC : GDACS has calculated that NO people are living within a radius of 10 km from the epicenter. Less than 100 people are living in between 10 and 20 km. Only 6800 people are living within a 50 km radius.
We are confident that only a radius of 20 km may have slight damage like cracks in walls, fallen rooftiles and plaster etc.

Update 17:09 UTC : This part of the coastal area is luckily sparsely populated. The nearest village / area is the Yauca district. The earthquake has been felt until Lima, the capital of Peru at a distance of moe than 500 km. Generally we can say that the quake will have been felt all over Peru.
The maximum calculated theoretical shaking will be MMI VI, strong shaking in the direct coastal area. Based on the type of earthquake, normally subduction type of earthquake and the max. MMI, we do not expect serious damage from this earthquake.

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Update 17:07 UTC : The Magnitude has now been decreased to M6.6, a substantial difference but the bad news is that the epicenter is now being located near the coast.

Update 17:02 UTC : The exact epicenter is still preliminary and unsure. The exact epicenter is important to determine what shaking will be felt on the coast. Despite the NO TSUNMI report from the PWTC, the local coat can still have strong currents and people will certainly keep away from the coastline.

Very strong earthquake at an uncertain distance from the coast.


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80km (50mi) SSW of Acari, Peru
100km (62mi) SSE of Minas de Marcona, Peru
140km (87mi) S of Nazca, Peru
175km (109mi) SSW of Puquio, Peru
504km (313mi) SSE of Lima, Peru

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.8

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-09-25 16:42:45

Depth (Hypocenter) : 33 km

Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below.

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SRC Location UTC Date/time M D INFO
PTWC Near The Coast Of Central Peru Sep 25 17:11 7.2 20 MAP I Felt It INFO
PTWC Near The Coast Of Central Peru Sep 25 16:48 6.8 33 MAP
WCATWC Near Coast Of Peru Sep 25 16:43 7.2 19 MAP
WCATWC Near Coast Of Peru Sep 25 16:43 6.8 33 MAP
EMSC Near Coast Of Southern Peru Sep 25 16:42 7.0 40 MAP
USGS Acari, Peru Sep 25 16:42 6.8 33 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • Cusco - Was sitting in class and the chairs started vibrating and plants were swaying. Teacher herded us into the patio. Sense of tremor was brief, but sense of motion lasted several minutes.
  • USGS Acari, Peru Sep 25 16:42 7.0 40 MAP
    GEOFON Near Coast Of Peru Sep 25 16:42 7.1 40 MAP
  • Lima, Peru - I was in my office during the quake. There was no damage at all but we could feel the walls and floor shaking.
  • San Isidro, Lima, Peru - 17 floor of bighrise. Building Swayed for 5-10 seconds.
  • Aplao/Majes/Arequipa - El temblor se sintio muy fuerte y largo
  • Lima, Peru - It began as a very weak shaking that was hardly noticeable, then it increased until it was almost moderately shaking, and then it stopped.
  • Andahuaylas - seemed to last for a while and possibly was 2 events. It set off car alarms.
  • Los Olivos, Lima - En calma ya que seguimos los procedimientos de seguridad, y luego comunicarme con familiares con msn
  • Arequipa, Peru - Was sitting at a desk inside, working at a computer. Felt floor shake. Recognized event as an earthquake immediately, but shaking was not very strong. Seemed to last for about 15-20 seconds.
  • Arequipa, Arequipa - Todo tranquilo, se sintió pero no ha pasado nada.
  • Lurin, Lima - it seemed to be a long earthquake. It started very weak and it was increasing on intensity.
  • Lima - Wasn't even big.
  • Huancavelica - Peru - Huancavelica esta enclavada entre Cerros que de alguna manera frenan a mi parecer la fuerza de estos eventos, me encontraba en el primer piso de mi casa en un primer momento sentí una suave sacudida no le di importancia pero luego de unos segundo me fije en un cuadro de en enfrente mio y al ver el el foco de la luz de mi sala que se movía con eso entre en cuenta que era un temblor. Se tiene que priorizar en los simulacros sísmicos que se dan cada mes aquí en Perú y que con esto lo valoramos
  • Arequipa, Peru - Living on the 4th floor of an apartment. Felt weak shaking that increased to a light shake. Lasted approximately 20 seconds.
  • Arequipa, Peru - long without sound
  • Miraflores, Lima. - Oficina de primer piso entre Avenida Arequipa y Santa Cruz, no se sintió absolutamente nada. Espero no hayan daños humanos que lamentar. Por favor, manténgannos informados.
  • Chincha Alta - Con los terremotos anteriores, hemos aprendido a reconocer que cuando es moderado y prolongado un sismo, estamos ante un Terremoto lejano, y así ha sucedido: a unos 430 Km de distania. Chincha Km 200 y Acari Km 630 de la Panamericana Sur, en el Perú
  • Lima - Just felt a little


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    I felt the shaking *
    Country where you felt the earthquake *
    City/Village where you felt the earthquake *
    Street or suburb (area) where you felt the earthquake
    Latitude (area) where you felt the earthquake
    Longitude (area) where you felt the earthquake
    Shaking Strength *
    MMI II (Very weak shaking) ?
    People :
    Felt by persons at rest, on upper floors or favorably placed.
    MMI III (Weak shaking) ?
    People :
    Felt indoors; hanging objects may swing, vibration similar to passing of light trucks, duration may be estimated, may not be recognized as an earthquake.
    MMI IV (Light shaking) ?
    People :
    Generally noticed indoors but not outside. Light sleepers may be awakened. Vibration may be likened to the passing of heavy traffic, or to the jolt of a heavy object falling or striking the building.
    Fittings :
    Doors and windows rattle. Glassware and crockery rattle. Liquids in open vessels may be slightly disturbed. Standing motorcars may rock.
    Structures :
    Walls and frames of buildings, and partitions and suspended ceilings in commercial buildings, may be heard to creak.
    MMI V (Moderate shaking) ?
    People :
    Generally felt outside, and by almost everyone indoors. Most sleepers awakened. A few people alarmed.
    Fittings :
    Small unstable objects are displaced or upset. Some glassware and crockery may be broken. Hanging pictures knock against the wall. Open doors may swing. Cupboard doors secured by magnetic catches may open. Pendulum clocks stop, start, or change rate.
    Structures :
    Some large display windows cracked. A few earthenware toilet fixtures cracked.
    MMI VI (Strong shaking) ?
    People Felt by all. People and animals alarmed. Many run outside. Difficulty experienced in walking steadily.
    Fittings :
    Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall from walls. Some furniture moved on smooth floors, some unsecured free-standing fireplaces moved. Glassware and crockery broken. Very unstable furniture overturned. Small church and school bells ring. Appliances move on bench or table tops. Filing cabinets or "easy glide" drawers may open (or shut).
    Structures :
    Slight damage to buildings with low standard. Some stucco or cement plaster falls. Large display windows broken. Damage to a few weak domestic chimneys, some may fall.
    Environment :
    Trees and bushes shake, or are heard to rustle. Loose material may be dislodged from sloping ground, e.g. existing slides, talus slopes, shingle slides.
    MMI VII (Very strong shaking) ?
    General alarm. Difficulty experienced in standing. Noticed by motorcar drivers who may stop.
    Fittings :
    Large bells ring. Furniture moves on smooth floors, may move on carpeted floors. Substantial damage to fragile contents of buildings.
    Structures :
    Unreinforced stone and brick walls cracked. Low standard buildings cracked with some minor masonry falls. A few instances of damage to buildings of ordinary workmanship. Unbraced parapets, unbraced brick gables, and architectural ornaments fall. Roofing tiles, especially ridge tiles may be dislodged. Many unreinforced domestic chimneys damaged, often falling from roof-line. Water tanks Type I burst. A few instances of damage to brick veneers and plaster or cement-based linings. Unrestrained water cylinders (hot-water cylinders) may move and leak. Some common windows cracked. Suspended ceilings damaged.
    Environment :
    Water made turbid by stirred up mud. Small slides such as falls of sand and gravel banks, and small rock-falls from steep slopes and cuttings. Instances of settlement of unconsolidated or wet, or weak soils. Some fine cracks appear in sloping ground. A few instances of liquefaction (i.e. small water and sand ejections).
    MMI VIII (Severe shaking) ?
    People Alarm may approach panic. Steering of motorcars greatly affected. Structures : Low standard buildings heavily damaged, some collapse. ordinary workmanship buildings damaged, some with partial collapse. Reinforced masonry or concrete buildings damaged in some cases. A few instances of damage to buildings and bridges designed and built to resist earthquakes. Monuments and pre-1976 elevated tanks and factory stacks twisted or brought down. Some pre-1965 infill masonry panels damaged. A few post-1980 brick veneers damaged. Decayed timber piles of houses damaged. Houses not secured to foundations may move. Most unreinforced domestic chimneys damaged, some below roof-line, many brought down. Environment : Cracks appear on steep slopes and in wet ground. Small to moderate slides in roadside cuttings and unsupported excavations. Small water and sand ejections and localized lateral spreading adjacent to streams, canals, lakes, etc.
    MMI IX (Violent shaking) ?
    Structures Many low standard buildings destroyed. Ordinary workmanship buildings heavily damaged, some collapse. Reinforced masonry or concrete buildings damaged, some with partial collapse. Buildings and bridges designed and built to resist earthquakes damaged in some cases, some with flexible frames seriously damaged. Damage or permanent distortion to some buildings and bridges, designed and built to normal use standards. Houses not secured to foundations shifted off. Brick veneers fall and expose frames. Environment : Cracking of ground conspicuous. Landsliding general on steep slopes. Liquefaction effects intensified and more widespread, with large lateral spreading and flow sliding adjacent to streams, canals, lakes, etc.
    Tell us your experience and how many seconds the shaking lasted + let us know if your property has been damaged (even slight damage). (max. 500 characters)
    * mandatory fields