Earthquake news related to recent events (in-depth articles) will be written as updates in these (recent) articles. These articles can be found in the top 10 excerpts on the homepage. Updates for earlier earthquakes can be found on these pages. This page will be regularly updated.
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Iran (geothermal plant)
Iran's first geothermal pilot plant would be built in Meshkin-Shahr town--northwestern Iran. Its wells have been drilled and Iran plans to establish the first 5-megawatt power plant on one of the wells. Also Iranian engineers have drilled a 35-km deep well in Sabalan mountains - located in northwestern Iran to use geothermal sources. $$$
Hostoric tsunamis
The eyewitness accounts, written in columns from right to left, top to bottom, testify that there was no warning of the tsunami, no shaking to drive villagers to high ground before the wave hit, drowning rice paddies and swamping a castle moat. The entries, written by merchants, peasants and samurai, all clearly mark the time and date: just after midnight on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1700. $$$
Japan (massive Tokyo quake chances)
The possibility of a huge plate-boundary earthquake amplified by simultaneous moves in two or more focal areas beneath Tokyo has been increasing since the Great East Japan Earthquake, according to the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute. $$$
New Zealand (earthquake cost)
The cost of the deadly sequence of earthquakes in the New Zealand city of Christchurch has gone up, and will now likely top $17 billion. New Zealand's government on Tuesday more than doubled its initial liability estimate of $2.6 billion to $6 billion. The rest of the cost will be borne by private insurers. The cost of the quakes equates to about 10 percent of the country's annual economic output. $$$
Indonesia (Banda Aceh tsunami tourism)
The map handed to me at my hotel in Banda Aceh was marked with tourist spots. A tsunami museum, a boat swept onto the roof of a building, mass graves ... I had heard the words "tsunami tourism" and was still wondering if it wasn't a little too much when I met Mr. Rahmadhani, 40, of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Agency. $$$
QuakeSOS+ and QuakeSOS free are iPhone applications developed by Armand Vervaeck, the founder of Earthquake Report. The Application simplifies immediate group communication to friends and family members (with your exact GPS location) and is feeding the users with Earthquake Report news. The 0.99 US$ QuakeSOS+ version will support the activities of SOS Earthquakes.
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@ShakingEarth : news + automatic earthquake notifications of EMSC earthquakes of M 4.0 or higher with emphasis to earthquakes in European and Asian / Middle East sphere (4 and up) and a lot of the rest of the world (5 and up). This account was originally created to stimulate our Facebook account
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Some new Faults discovered in Oregon by Lidar looks like it might be interesting
Thanks Edward, We will pick it up in our Related news items later today