Earthquake news related to recent events (in-depth articles) will be written as updates in these (recent) articles. These articles can be found in the top 10 excerpts on the homepage. Updates for earlier earthquakes can be found on these pages. This page will be regularly updated.
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Japan (seismology to be blamed)
The president of the Seismological Society of Japan says his profession was partly to blame for the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant because of misleading forecasts of quake risks. Kazuro Hirahara, professor of seismology at Kyoto University, told The Asahi Shimbun that the March 11 temblor had driven home how little seismologists know about quakes. $$$$$$
Japan (tsunami tracked by radar)
The 8.9-magnitude (which may have been upgraded to a 9.0) earthquake that struck Japan triggered tsunamis across the region. Here, results from a computer model run by the Center for Tsunami Research at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory show the expected wave heights of the tsunami as it travels across the Pacific basin. $$$
China (remembering 242,769 earthquake deaths)
July 28, 1976: A deadly magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurs in Tangshan in Hebei province which is believed to be produce the largest death toll of any earthquake of the 20th century. This earthquake occurred in the northeastern part of China, near the coast. The epicenter was centered about 140 kilometers southeast of Beijing, in the vicinity of Tangshan. The first earthquake, magnitude 7.5, was followed by a major aftershock 15 hours later. According to official sources, the two earthquakes killed 242,769 people, although some estimates of the death toll are as high as 655,000. Over 799,000 people were injured. Aftershocks in the 5.0-5.5 range continued after the main shock. Damage extended as far as Beijing. The link is showing the pictures of the memorial ceremony and from the Tangshan museum. $$$
New Zealand (Christchurch building demolition)
Demolition work is being carried out on around 100 buildings in quake-stricken Christchurch's central business district red zone, but there is much to do and safety is top priority. Civil Defence planning and transition director Baden Ewart said today that work was being done as fast as possible. $$$
Haiti (Orphans home)
This past month, high schoolers from Wheaton Bible Church broke a sweat under the hot Haitian sun doing construction work for Kids Alive International. Kids Alive International (KAI) encourages church youth groups to join them on mission trips to some of the most impoverished countries where the message of God's love is desperately needed. $$$
QuakeSOS+ and QuakeSOS free are iPhone applications developed by Armand Vervaeck, the founder of Earthquake Report. The Application simplifies immediate group communication to friends and family members (with your exact GPS location) and is feeding the users with Earthquake Report news. The 0.99 US$ QuakeSOS+ version will support the activities of SOS Earthquakes.
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